LGBTQIA+ Support

Anywhere in Illinois and Missouri

An XL size bag of feelings.

Feeling condemned by others, being told that you’re wrong, sinning, or “less than”... and that you need to be different - are all on the list, right?

The list of what you personally experience day in and day out.

And then let's throw into the mix struggling with validation from peers, and not having enough peers and people around to connect with…

…and that just get you.

This has been just hard. Just f*cking hard.

It hasn't been a cake walk (that’s for sure) to come out, or to identify with anything different than what’s not cisgender, heterosexual orientation, etc.

And it’s come with an XL size bag of feelings, thoughts, moments, interactions, views, and stuff to sort through.

And it’s a lot.

It’s a lot of stress, sadness, pain, worry, and isolation.

And it feels like “Who can you even trust to just be you around and talk about all the things that are in this bag…without judgment, and with a hell of a lot of guidance and relief in your very near future.

Dodge and deflect the arrows.

You can get this relief, and it’s seriously a few sessions away.

Imagine actually going about your day without feeling that anxiety, that fear, that disconnect eating away at you.

And instead you feel empowered, and like you can dodge and deflect the arrows that come your way.

You get to feel a sense of self-acceptance, have a healthy self-esteem, and feel a sense of strength as you tackle what's going on around you - even if those things around you don’t change.

Basically you get to feel more at ease, more safe, and more ok to be in your own skin.

Ok cool!...And?

So I don’t want this to sound dismissive because this is NOT where I’m coming from.

But when we work together, I’m going to have that mindset and vibe when you share this part of who you are, I’m going to be that human in front of you that’s like “Ok cool!...And?”

As in…there’s so much more to you that’s also f*cking wonderful that you get to soak in.

I’m going to be that humble human in front of you listening. Validating. And learning about YOU.

You get to finally feel some relief and acceptance to be in your own skin.

Sign-up for a consultation to feel some peace and truly be heard.