Grief and Loss Therapy

Anywhere in Illinois and Missouri

Swallowing you whole.

The pain feels unbearable, overwhelming, and like it’s swallowing you whole.

Whether it’s the grief and loss from yesterday or years ago - it can feel like it happened a minute ago.

You’re exhausted with the heaviness as you go to bed and wake up each day wishing this thing hadn’t happened.

The loss of your loved one, your dog, your career, your home, your security, your relationship…

It all matters. And it’s all loss. And it’s beyond hard.

So how the f*ck does a person even heal from this?

A little ray of sunshine just hit you in the heart.

What if you woke up tomorrow and that pain wasn’t as big? It was even 15% less intense.

What if you started to go about your day feeling a little less hollow or scared. And you felt like you reclaimed a little piece of you back.

And felt a little more YOU in all of this.

You even crack a smile at your dog and even throw him a toy, just one, before you get in the car and go to work without feeling so disconnected.

And what if you just kept doing the sessions, you kept showing up to work on your healing, and 5% by 5% you heal, you find relief, and you start feeling more whole.

F*ck that sounds like a little ray of sunshine just hit you in the heart.

So what does it take?

Well…you don’t have to heal alone.

You can start a little session with me and just try it out.

You would just try and share your story when you are ready.

And I’ll be right there with you - no matter what it is.

Nothing is too small, or big. It’s all pain. And I’ll be with you in it.

And I’ll hear you, I’ll listen, and I’ll also not bullsh*t you.

I’ll challenge you when it’s needed so you can get the relief you’re looking for.

And I’m not going to rush you.

I know when to be light-hearted, and I also know when to be “in it” with you.

Feeling it, sorting through it, and digging into different narratives and ways to see it and release it.

And no, we aren’t going to do the 5 or 10 or whatever steps of grief. I mean, if you like, we can chat about them, but we are actually going to use a different structure.

I know by now it might seem like I’m all going with the flow, casual, and might have a lack of structure.

But let me tell you, with grief and loss, I have a specific approach, and way of guiding you through grief and loss…that just works and helps you heal.

It just does.

Reach out for a free consultation to see if we can be a great fit!